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Type of Sessions

At home Sessions

So you have an at home gym but can't find a trainer to come give you Personal Training at home? or you don't like the gym and wish you had at home workouts and somebody there to make sure you're doing the exercises correctly? You've landed on the right Personal Trainer. I offer at home Personal Training Sessions. We will talk about your goals and I will come up with a training plan considering what you have at home. Feel free to email, call, text, or inbox me for more information, I will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Outside Sessions

Summer is almost here and I can understand that you don't feel like being inside a gym training while it is beautiful out, so here's my solution: Outside Sessions! If Outside Sessions is something that you would be interested in, just let me know and I will make a training program to train with you outside, we can make it an only outside training or we could do it just a couple of times. I will make sure that the exercices I give you are to achieve your personal goals. Also, if you don't want to do it alone, you could bring a friend or a family member to come work out with you, read more about it on the next paragraph bellow (Partner Sessions).

Partner Sessions

So you've been thinking about getting a Personal Trainer for awhile, but don't really feel like starting alone; Bring a friend or a family member that want to achieve the same goals. I offer Partner Sessions so that you can be more comfortable and more motivated to come train. With your partner by your side you might be more motivated to come have a Personal Training Session. It might motivate you more to have another friend or family member committed to the same thing you are, that way you both can motivate eachother. PLUS it is cheaper to take Partner Sessions than Individual Sessions. 

Individual Sessions

If you prefer to have a one on one session to make sure the whole work out is specific to you and personalized towards your goals. With one on one sessions, the full hour is focused on you and only you. You will have no distractions. This type of session is ideal if you can't find a partner with the same goals as you or if you are competing and need individual attention at all times or if you just prefer to train by yourself.

Group Clases

Group clases will be either Bootcamp or HIIT classes with 3 individuals or more. 


Bootcamp: Circuits based exercises with a fair amount of rest intervals that will keep your heart pumping from start to finish. This is a good way to challenge yourself. By seeing other people going as hard as they can, it will motivate you to do the same. It is a fun way to work out and meet new people!


HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) : Done as a group, HIIT is high intensity exercise with low intervals of rest. These classes lasts around 30-45 minutes. I can guarantee you that you will be burning calories and feel energized for the rest of the day.


Price: 60$ (split between the group)

Email, call, text, or inbox me for more information.


Click on the PDF icon below to see the Personal Training Costs/Packages:

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